🐍 pathlib.nvim

OS independent, ultimate solution to path handling in neovim.

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The plugin API is heavily inspired by Python's `pathlib.Path` with tweaks to fit neovim usage. - [Documentation](https://pysan3.github.io/pathlib.nvim/) - Module References - [`PathlibPath`](https://pysan3.github.io/pathlib.nvim/doc/PathlibPath.html): base class with operations. - [`PathlibPosixPath`](https://pysan3.github.io/pathlib.nvim/doc/PathlibPosixPath.html): posix system specific. - [`PathlibWindowsPath`](https://pysan3.github.io/pathlib.nvim/doc/PathlibWindowsPath.html): posix system specific. - 🔎 Search for Keyword - [Search](https://pysan3.github.io/pathlib.nvim/search.html) - [Index](https://pysan3.github.io/pathlib.nvim/genindex.html) # ✨ Benefits ## 📦 Intuitive and Useful Methods ``` lua local Path = require("pathlib") local dir = Path("~/Documents") -- Same as `Path.home() / "Documents"` local foo = dir / "foo.txt" print(foo:basename(), foo:stem(), foo:suffix()) -- foo.txt, foo, .txt print(foo:parent()) -- "/home/user/Documents" ``` ## 📋 Git Integration ``` lua local git_root = Path("/path/to/git/workdir") assert(git_root:child(".git"):exists(), string.format("%s is not a git repo.", git_root)) require("pathlib.git").fill_git_state({ file_a, file_b, ... }) file_a.git_state.ignored -- is git ignored file_a.git_state.status -- git status (modified, added, staged, ...) file_a.git_state.git_root -- root directory of the repo ``` ## ⏱️ Sync / Async Operations The API is designed so it is very easy to switch between sync and async operations. Call them inside a [nvim-nio async context](https://github.com/nvim-neotest/nvim-nio) without any change, and the operations are converted to be async (does not block the main thread). ``` lua local foo = Path("~/Documents/foo.txt") local content = "File Content\n" -- # sync local sync_bytes = foo:fs_write(content) assert(sync_bytes == content:len(), foo.error_msg) -- # async require("nio").run(function() local async_bytes = foo:fs_write(content) assert(async_bytes == content:len(), foo.error_msg) end) ``` # 🚀 Usage Example ## Create Path Object ``` lua local Path = require("pathlib") local cwd = Path.cwd() vim.print(string.format([[cwd: %s]], cwd)) -- Use __div to chain file tree! local folder = Path(".") / "folder" local foo = folder / "foo.txt" assert(tostring(foo) == "folder/foo.txt") -- $PWD/folder/foo.txt assert(tostring(foo:parent()) == "folder") -- Path object is comparable assert(foo == Path("./folder/foo.txt")) -- Path object can be created with arguments assert(foo == Path(folder, "foo.txt")) -- Unpack any of them if you want! -- Calculate relativily assert(foo:is_relative_to(Path("folder"))) assert(not foo:is_relative_to(Path("./different folder"))) assert(foo:relative_to(folder) == Path("foo.txt")) ``` ### Path object is stored with `string[]`. - Very fast operations to work with parents / children / siblings. - No need to worry about path separator =\> OS Independent. - `/`: Unix, `\`: Windows ### Nicely integrated with vim functions. There are wrappers around vim functions such as `fnamemodify`, `stdpath` and `getcwd`. ``` lua path:modify(":p:t:r") -- vim.fn.fnamemodify -- Define child directory of stdpaths Path.stdpath("data", "mason", "bin") -- vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/mason/bin" ``` ## Create and Manipulate Files / Directories ``` lua local luv = vim.loop local Path = require("pathlib") -- Create new folder local new_file = Path.new("./new/folder/foo.txt") new_file:parent_assert():mkdir(Path.permission("rwxr-xr-x"), true) -- (permission, recursive) -- Create new file and write to it local fd = new_file:fs_open("w", Path.permission("rw-r--r--"), true) assert(fd ~= nil, "File creation failed. " .. new_file.error_msg) luv.fs_write(fd, "File Content\n") luv.fs_close(fd) -- HINT: new_file:fs_write(...) does this all at once. -- SHORTHAND: read file content with `io.read` local content = new_file:io_read() assert(content == "File Content\n") -- SHORTHAND: write to file new_file:io_write("File Content\n") new_file:copy(new_file:with_basename("bar.txt")) -- copy `foo.txt` to `bar.txt` new_file:symlink_to(new_file:with_basename("baz.txt")) -- create symlink of `foo.txt` named `baz.txt` ``` ## Scan Directories ``` lua -- Continue from above for path in new_file:parent_assert():fs_iterdir() do -- loop: [Path("./new/folder/foo.txt"), Path("./new/folder/bar.txt"), Path("./new/folder/baz.txt")] end ``` ## Async Execution This library uses [nvim-nio](https://github.com/nvim-neotest/nvim-nio) under the hood to run async calls. Supported methods will turn into async calls inside a `nio.run` async context and has the **EXACT SAME INTERFACE**. ``` lua local nio = require("nio") local path = Path("foo.txt") nio.run(function() -- async run (does not block the main thread) vim.print(path:fs_stat()) -- coroutine (async) path:fs_write("File Content\n") -- coroutine (async) vim.print(path:fs_read()) -- coroutine (async) vim.print("async done") -- prints last end) vim.print("sync here") -- prints first (maybe not if above functions end very fast) ``` When execution fails, function will return `nil` and the error message is captured into `self.error_msg`. This property holds the error message of the latest async function call. ``` lua nio.run(function () local path = Path("./does/not/exist.txt") local fd = path:fs_open("r") assert(fd, "ERROR: " .. path.error_msg) -- fd will be nil when `:fs_open` fails. Check `self.error_msg` for the error message. end) ``` # TODO - [x] API documentation. - [x] PathlibPath - [x] PathlibPosixPath - [x] PathlibWindowsPath - [x] Git - [x] Git operation integration. - [ ] Git test suite. - [ ] List out every possible git state: ignored, staged etc. - [ ] Create file for each state. - [ ] Add docs for each state: `man git-diff -> RAW OUTPUT FORMAT` - [ ] Windows implementation, test environment. - [ ] Create a CI/CD action to run on windows. - [ ] Prepare windows specific test suite. # Contributions I'll happily accept any [feature request](https://github.com/pysan3/pathlib.nvim/issues/new?assignees=&labels=feature&projects=&template=feature_request.yml) Feel free to ask for any functionality :) # Other Projects - Python `pathlib` -